언제든 연락주세요
:Jaemin Jeong
common.jaemin@gmail.com | |
CV[KR] | PDF no-updated |
CV[EN] | PDF no-updated |
GitHub | https://github.com/jjxxmiin |
Lab | https://sites.google.com/site/embeddedsochallymuniv/ |
Google Scholar | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_GXtE-IAAAAJ&hl=ko |
Slide Share | https://www.slideshare.net/JAEMINJEONG5/presentations |
Research Interest
- Vision(GAN, Segmentation, Object Detection …)
- Model Compression
- Medical
- Pytorch
- Explainable vision transformer for automatic visual sleep staging on multimodal PSG signals
- Hyojin Lee, You Rim Choi, Hyun Kyung Lee, Jaemin Jeong, Joopyo Hong, Hyun-Woo Shin, Hyung-Sin Kim
- Accepted in the Journal of npj Digital Medicine (SCI), 2025
- Standardized Image-Based Polysomnography Database and Deep Learning Algorithm for Sleep Stage Classification
- Jaemin Jeong, Wonhyuck Yoon, Jeong-Gun Lee, Dongyoung Kim, Yunhee Woo, Dong-Kyu Kim, Hyun-Woo Shin
- Accepted in the Journal of Oxford SLEEP (SCI), 2023
- Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Using Deep Learning Algorithm for Multi-Institutional Database
- Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Using Deep Learning Algorithm for Multi-Institutional Database
- Accepted in the Journal of IEEE Access, 2023
- Deep learning application to clinical decision support system in sleep stage classification
- Dongyoung Kim, Jeong-Gun Lee, Yunhee Woo, Jaemin Jeong, Chulho Kim, Dong-Kyu Kim
- Accepted In the Journal of Personalized Medicine (SCIE), 2021
- Zero-Keep Filter Pruning for Energy/Power Efficient Deep Neural Networks
- Yunhee Woo, Dongyoung Kim, Jaemin Jeong, Young-Woong Ko, Jeong-Gun Lee
- Accepted in the Journal of Electronics (SCIE), 2021
- Filter Combination Learning for CNN model compression
- Jaemin Jeong, Jiho Cho, Jeong-Gun Lee
- Accepted in the Journal of ICT-Express (SCIE), 2021
Conference paper
- Optimized Road Damage Detection Using Enhanced Deep Learning Architectures for Improved Inference Speed and Accuracy
- Jaemin Jeong, Jiho Cho, Jeong-Gun Lee
- 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)
- Shaped Pruning for Efficient Memory Addressing in DNN Accelerators
- Yunhee Woo, Dongyoung Kim, Jaemin Jeong, Jeong-Gun Lee
- 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia)
- Filter Combination Learning for Convolutional Neural Network
- Github
- Jaemin Jeong, DongYoung Kim, Yunhee Woo and Jeong-Gun Lee
- 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
- ==> “Special Issue on Selected Papers from ICTC 2020”
- Deep learning CAM-based interpretation-possible image visualization Development of open source software tools
- Jaemin Jeong, Seo-Eun Ham, Joo-Hyun Son, Jeong-Gun Lee
- 2020 신호처리합동학술대회, 197-199
- Image-based Sleep Stage Classification Model for Multi-Institutional Dataset
- Yunhee Woo, Dongyoung Kim, Jaemin Jeong, Dong-Kyu Kim, Jeong-Gun Lee
- 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
- Sleep Stage Classification for Inter-institutional Transfer Learning
- Dongyoung Kim, Yunhee Woo, Jaemin Jeong, Dong-Kyu Kim, Jeong-Gun Lee
- 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
- Zero-Keep Filter Pruning for Energy Efficient Deep Neural Network
- Yunhee Woo, DongYoung Kim, Jaemin Jeong, Young Woong Ko, Jeong-Gun Lee.
- 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
- Parameter Optimization of Deep Neural Network: MNIST Case Study
- Min-Jeong Kim, Byungjoon Lim, Seunghyun Lim, Jaemin Jeong, Jong-Hak Lee, JeongGun Lee
- 2018 대한전자공학회 학술대회, 923-925.
Domestic Patents
- “기계학습모델 공유 또는 판매를 위한 시스템 및 시스템의 동작 방법,” 특허등록 제 10-2020-2453673 호 (2022.10.06)
- “헤어 스타일 추천 장치 및 방법,” 특허등록 제 10-2022-0122740 호 (2023.01.18)
- “헤어 스타일링 가상 체험용 인공 신경망의 학습을 위한 학습 데이터 생성 장치 및 방법, 및 이를 이용한 헤어 스타일링 가상 체험 장치 및 방법” 특허등록 제 10-2022-0029790 호 (2023.03.15)
- “다채널의 생체 신호들을 포함하는 이미지를 기반으로 수면 단계를 분류하는 전자 장치, 및 수면 단계 분류 방법” 특허등록 제 10-2021-0060653 호 (2023.04.21)
- “가상 헤어 스타일링 체험을 위한 민머리 인물 이미지 생성 장치 및 방법” 특허등록 제 10-2538783 호 (2023.05.26)
- “인공지능 모델의 파라미터 저장을 위한 필터 조합 학습 네트워크 시스템의 제어 방법, 장치 및 프로그램” 특허등록 제 10-2020-0140315 호 (2023.06.12)
- FrontU (2018-07 ~ 2018-08)
- Development for Smart Toy
- Arduino
- FrontU (2019-01 ~ 2019-02)
- Development for Smart Toy
- Raspberry Pi
- Vision
- FrontU (2019-07 ~ 2019-08)
- Development for Smart Toy
- Raspberry Pi
- Google Assistant
- Master’s Degree (2019-09 ~ 2021-03)
- Hallym University
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Research of Model Compression
- PhD Degree (2021-03 ~ 2022-03)
- Hallym University
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Research of Model Compression
- Research of Image-based Sleep Staging
- Mirrorroid (2021-01 ~ 2022-03)
- Outsourcing
- Research and Development for Beauty Smart Mirror (Hair)
- Mirrorroid (2022-03 ~ 2023-03)
- Full Time JOB
- Senior Researcher
- Research and Development for Beauty Smart Mirror (Face, Hair etc.)
- PhD Degree - Program of Visiting Research Student (2023-03 ~ )
- University of Ottawa
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Research of Model Compression
- Research of Image-based Sleep Staging
- Mirrorroid (2023-03 ~ )
- Outsourcing
- Research and Development for Beauty Smart Mirror (Face, Hair etc.)
Open source contributions
- 파이토치 한글 문서 번역
- Captum을 사용하여 모델 해석하기 번역
- 컴퓨터 비전 튜토리얼을 위한 양자화된 전이학습 번역
- Pytorch를 사용하여 뉴럴 변환 번역
- 그 외 번역 리뷰 6개
- 장려상 수상
- 정보처리기사